The Newgrounds Music Player (also known als Newgrounds Radio Player) allows you to download and play Newgrounds songs from the NG Audioportal. The NG Music Players has many features like mixing different genres (e.g dubstep, dance and hip-Hop)
There are altogether over 35 genres. The NG Radioplayer works on Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000 and Linux (using Wine). The included Update manager will keep you up-to-date. You can free download Newgrounds Music Player 1.36 now.
- search Newgrounds music by genre
- mix several genres
- random playback
- download your favourite songs to your computer
- access your Newgrounds favourites
- listen to the favourite songs of your friends
- create your own playlists and export / import them
- control the music playback via hotkeys
(the player will minimize to tray)
- get automatic updates
- install your own plugins
- etc..
Download: sic-player.html
Blog (support):
11/07/newgrounds-music-player-download /
Great Work, good job for the Favorite Songs feature. I was searching for a good Newgrounds player for a while :)
Free and no glitch,
thanks !